
Archive | Creating Health

Burton Moomaw, acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on coronavirus and Covid-19

Podcast: Metabolism Part 2

Metabolic Dysfunction In Metabolism Part 1 I discussed the analogical way in which ancient Chinese medical science describes your metabolism. Here in Part 2 I describe things that can disrupt metabolism and lead to what modern science calls metabolic syndrome. This is the simultaneous occurrence of abdominal fat accumulation, cholesterol and triglyceride issues, high blood […]

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Burton Moomaw, acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, on coronavirus and Covid-19

Podcast: Metabolism Part 1

Metabolism Like many medical terms in the information age, the word metabolism is thrown around a lot in conversation. Ideas of fast and slow abound but few descriptions offer a complete picture of how we convert food and oxygen to the warmth, activity, and physical material of our bodies. Likewise, there is a dearth of […]

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video recipe: how to cook congee

Video: How to Cook Congee

Congee is well-cooked grain that is easy to digest and very hydrating. It has been used for centuries in China and other countries to nourish sick and weak people but is also a powerful food to support health in a preventative sense. Grains are essential for health as they support the production of fluids by […]

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Healthy breakfast porridge recipe

Focus on Breakfast

I love a good breakfast! There is great truth to the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact in Chinese medicine the high point of stomach function is 7 AM to 9 AM. This is when digestive strength is the strongest and we can derive maximum energy from our […]

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Warm teas and soups, supportive to the immune system in Chinese medicine

Focus on Immune System

Do you feel uncertain, anxious or fearful about whether your immune system is protecting you? Do you feel you have a weak immune system and are at a loss for how to best support it? Do you find the whole concept of immunity baffling and mysterious? If your answer to any of these questions is […]

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Chinese medicine explanation of cholesterol and heart disease

Focus on Cholesterol and Heart Disease

High Cholesterol and Heart Disease Heart attack, high blood pressure and the threat of stroke or sudden death are a huge fear for many Americans. After decades of being told that eating salt and saturated fat is the cause of heart disease, it still holds the title as the number one cause of death in […]

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An anatomical rendering of the human body and digestive system

Focus on Digestion

How Digestion Works Digestive problems are a real concern for many people. They range from belching to severe acid reflux, mild abdominal pain to ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s, slow digestion with constipation to fast digestion with diarrhea. Like many concepts about our bodies, digestion seems so complex and helping problems seems mysterious due to the […]

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Focus on Chinese Medicine

When I describe to my patients the different ways that Chinese medicine conceives of them as human beings, they are usually surprised at the depth, complexity and common sense of the concepts. One patient commented recently, “You are the doctor I always wished I had because you listen and see me as a whole person.” […]

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Website by Courtney Tiberio